摘要: |
The evolution from in-person events to virtual ones during COVID happened very naturally for the New England Section of ITE (NEITE). As the world and members'day-to-day business shifted to Zoom and Teams, so did the Section's. The Joint Connecticut Chapter/NEITE Section meeting is credited as the first successful virtual meeting in the Section on May 4,2020. Assistance from ITE staff was critical in setting up this meeting and establishing best practices that led to successful large-scale webinar style meetings. The Section found immediately the allure of these virtual offerings to reaching new membership and those that might not have come to meetings before, and the ability to attract speakers from all over the ITE community, from Washington, DC to Oregon and in-between. The NEITE board had already started to include more frequent calls in between its traditional board meetings co-hosted at local Chapter meetings throughout the year.This allowed the board to coordinate more productively to establish the new Section bylaws and charter that year, and transition into the hybrid model of engaging with membership. |