关键词: |
Motor vehicles, Accidents, Workers, Injuries, Traumatic injuries, Exposure levels, Risk factors, Safety, Safety measures, Preventive medicine, Work environment, Environmental factors, Fatigue, Safety practices, Anthropometrical systems, Engineering |
摘要: |
The NIOSH Center for Motor Vehicle Safety Strategic Plan for Research and Prevention, 2014-2018 sets performance measures for each of the Center’s five strategic goals. This document serves to display progress we have made to meet these measures. The Center’s team assessed current status towards meeting performance measures for each strategic goal. Each performance measure is rated as: Not Met, Partially Met, or Met or Exceeded. A Partially Met rating required funding of a project, initiating work under an existing project, or completing work addressing a part of the performance measure. For progress highlights, a big-picture analysis of internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats, and our plans moving forward. |