原文传递 Airport Waste Management and Recycling Practices. Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 92. A Synthesis of Airport Practice.
题名: Airport Waste Management and Recycling Practices. Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP) Synthesis 92. A Synthesis of Airport Practice.
作者: Turner, M. E.
关键词: Water quality, Aircraft Drinking Water Rule (ADWR), Airport planning, Airport Waste Management, Airport, Synthesis, Airport management, Safe drinking water, Emergency Exercises, Airport Cooperative Research Program (ACRP), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
摘要: Airport managers and environmental/sustainability staff continue to request information on the accomplishments and activities of the industry with regard to waste management and diversion. Airlines, tenants, concessionaires, and key internal stakeholders play an important role in managing airport-generated waste and may find value in understanding this issue. Industry organizations and ACRP have conducted surveys in an attempt to collect, evaluate, and disseminate this information. However, a single resource has yet to emerge for industry reference. In addition, the industry is looking for aviation-specific standard methods for calculating recycling and diversion rates and other metrics used for program and facility comparisons. Many airports seek effective practices to improve their programs. Recycling, composting, food donation, reuse, and waste reduction are important aspects of ongoing waste management activities at airports. These activities impact landfill disposal quantities, associated costs, and the environment. Each waste management strategy presents challenges and, as a result, airport waste management programs vary. The FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 (FMRA) expanded the definition of airport planning to include “developing a plan for recycling and minimizing the generation of airport solid waste.” Additionally, a provision requires airports to include solid waste recycling when preparing a master plan. The interest in best practices related to waste management and diversion at airports is widespread. The objective of this synthesis is to summarize effective practices, strategies, methods, and goals regarding airport waste management and diversion. Through literature review, surveys, and interviews, the researcher will collect and document effective diversion practices from airports of diverse sizes and geographic locations. The information collected will include: ? Description of the airport’s waste management and diversion program. ? Waste management economics (e.g., tipping fees, costs, expenses, rebates, incentives). ? Successful program elements (recycling, composting, food donation, waste reduction, reuse, etc.). ? Summary of waste audit results regarding composition, quantities, and sources. ? Description of capital investments and infrastructure utilized under the program. ? Description of contracting relationships impacting the program. ? Operation and maintenance requirements of the program. ? Calculation methods and metrics tracked (e.g., diversion rate, per passenger metrics). ? Local and state requirements impacting the program. ? Waste diversion goals: airport, airlines, tenants, and concessionaires. ? General assessment of the successes and challenges of the program. ? Obstacles encountered and actions to overcome them. ? Tools, resources and examples to be included as appendices (waste characterization audits, standardized labeling, marketing plans, signage, contracts and agreements, reporting tools, messaging/social marketing, etc.). The research will provide a concise report that describes effective strategies available and diversion potential for a range of airport sizes and regions. Partial information sources: Organizations: Airports Council International – North America Environmental Affairs Committee Airports Council International and member airports. American Association of Airport Executives and members, specifically those involved with Airports Going Green. Federal Aviation Administration Airport Planning and Environmental Division Literature References:
报告类型: 科技报告