原文传递 Recreational Boatling Safety: Analysis for Programmatic Decisions
题名: Recreational Boatling Safety: Analysis for Programmatic Decisions
作者: Leonard Greenberg. Terry A. Bresnlck, Jacob W. Ulvila
关键词: Regularoty Analysis,Benefit Analysis,Recreational Boating, Impact Assessment,Needs Assessment,Forecasting Models,Times Serien Analysis,Program Evaluation.Resource Allocation,Multiattribute Unility Analysis
摘要: Thls is a users' manual for addressing analytic problems in the realm of recreational boating safety. Four major areas of application are Identified: Needs Assessment, Performance Prediction, Performance Evaluation, and Resource Allocation. Analytic techniques useful in each area are identified and explained. Techniques presented include: cause assessment models and tests for non-randomness (-Needs Asessment), data smoothing and Box-Jenkins time series analysis ( performance prediction, Box-Tiao and other forms of Intervention analysis (performance Evaluation ), and methods for assessing program cost, benefit, and utility (Resource Allocation) An additional technique, Multiattribute Utility (HAU) Analysis, is also described, for use In addressing situations Involving multiple objectives.
报告类型: 科技报告