原文传递 Malrettet Kollektivtransport. Delrapport 2: Trafikantenes Preferanser (Targeted Public Transport. Sub-Report. 2: Passenger Preferences)
题名: Malrettet Kollektivtransport. Delrapport 2: Trafikantenes Preferanser (Targeted Public Transport. Sub-Report. 2: Passenger Preferences)
作者: Stangeby, I.; Jansson, K.
关键词: Public transportation##Public opinion##Norway##Preferences##Passengers##Travel time##Commuting patterns##Travel patterns##Product development##Foreign technology##
摘要: In the project entitled 'Targeted product development for different market segments,' the objective is to create a simple handbook which can provide planners in road offices, transport and communication offices and public transport companies with advice on how this type of product development can best be implemented. The project work is divided into five phases: (1) Summarizing national and international experiences with tailor-made public transport; (2) Summarizing national and international knowledge of different public transport groups' preferences and valuation of public transport; (3) Analyzing different public transport users preferences for improvements in public-transport; (4) Analyzing the costs and traffic base which are necessary to be able to service the different routes; (5) Creating a simple handbook with examples and advice for developing tailor-made services.
总页数: 72
报告类型: 科技报告