摘要: |
The core stage liquid oxygen tank of the SpaceLaunch System can be manufactured as a habitat instead of asa propellant tank, with a common design such that it is equallysuitable for use in 0g, 1/6g, 3/8g, 1g, or variable artificial gravity.It is capable of sustaining a crew size of eight for missions up to1200 days in duration. This Common Habitat can be the centralelement of a human spaceflight architecture that encompassesthe Moon, Mars, and other destinations within the inner solarsystem. Within this archtiecture, the Common Habitat isspecifically used as the core habitation element within a LunarBase Camp, Mars Base Camp, and the Deep Space ExplorationVehicle. The Common Habitat internal architecture applies adesign philosophy to separate crew functions according to deck.The lower deck is reserved for private functions. It includeseight private crew quarters and four waste and hygiene clusters– each with a private waste management compartment, privatefull body hygiene compartment, and private foyer/clotheschanging area. The mid deck is primarily allocated to mission-related functions. It includes an exercise facility, fabrication /maintenance / repair facility, physical science laboratory(physics, geology, and remote sensing: astronomy, heliophysics,planetary science, and Earth science), and life sciencelaboratory (biology and human research). The mid deck alsohas four external hatches, clocked one every 90 degrees,centered on the vehicle vertical centerline. Each hatch has a 60-inch tall by 40-inch wide opening with the mid deck floor 16inches below the bottom lip of the hatch opening. The upperdeck also includes some mission functions, but is primarilyallocated to social functions. It includes a large galley,wardroom with projector and display screen, plant growthchambers, bulk stowage, command and control station, medicalfacility, hygiene compartment, and vehicle subsystems. |