摘要: |
The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)constructed a full-scale unsurfaced test section to evaluate theperformance of two prototype geogrids, referred to as NX950 and NX750,in road applications. The test section consisted of a 10-in.-thick crushedaggregate surface layer placed over a very weak 2 California Bearing Ratio(CBR) clay subgrade. Simulated truck traffic was applied using one ofERDC’s specially designed load carts outfitted with a single-axle dualwheel truck gear. Rutting performance and instrumentation responsedata were monitored at multiple traffic intervals. It was found that theprototype geogrids improved rutting performance when compared to theunstabilized test item, and that the test item containing NX950 had thebest rutting performance. Further, instrumentation response dataindicated that the geogrids reduced measured pressure and deflection nearthe surface of the subgrade layer. Pressure response data in the aggregatelayer suggested that the geogrids redistributed applied pressure higher inthe aggregate layer, effectively changing the measured stress profile withan increase in pavement depth. |