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原文传递 Research on Control Schemes for Dynamic Positioning of Surface Ships
论文题名: Research on Control Schemes for Dynamic Positioning of Surface Ships
关键词: Dynamic Positioning;High-Gain Observer;Robust Fuzzy Controller;Vectorial Backstepping
摘要: In control theory, there are many different control methods of which some of them havebeen proposed for DP system.Alternatively, we have witnessed in some literatures, thecombination of two or more control techniques to form an enhanced controller for DP system.Likewise, this thesis presents research on control schemes for dynamic positioning of surfaceships.The emphasis of this thesis is to design and propose various control schemes for DPsystem.Firstly, we propose a high-gain observer control scheme for DP system.The key aim isto design a high-gain observer for estimation of unmeasured states (velocity) and eliminate theconstant known disturbances.Equally, we design an output feedback controller based on thehigh-gain observer for dynamic position system.The nain theme is to design feedback controllaw that can force the ship to its desired position and heading.Vectorial backstepping techniqueis employed to derive an output feedback control law.The output feedback controller utilizesestimated states from the high-gain observer for feedback.Simultaneously, an adaptive law isderived to estimate the unknown constant disturbances.Finally, the global uniformly asymptoticstability (GUAS) performance is guaranteed.
  Secondly, a Relaxed LMI Stability based fuzzy controller for DP system of surface ships isproposed.Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy model is applied to formulate the ship's mathematicalmodel into the fuzzy model.Then, we employ parallel distributed compensation (PDC) designtechnique to formulate the fuzzy rules.Relaxed LMI and decay rate stability conditions are usedto derive the stability of the resulting fuzzy controller.Linear matrix inequality (LMI) solver isused to compute a positive definite matrix and control gains that stabilize the fuzzy controller.
  Thirdly, a design of a robust fuzzy controller and the robust observer is presented.Itassumes two cases: case one considers when the states are available for measurements and theenvironmental disturbances are unknown but bound with the upper limit.Thus, the design of arobust fuzzy controller using H∞ attenuation design method is given.The role of H∞ attenuationmethod in the fuzzy controller is to abolish the disturbance to a prescribed minimum level.Thesecond case assumes that the state variables are not known for measurements.Hence, robustfuzzy observer is design to estimate the unavailable states.Then, optimal H∞ attenuationmethod is utilized in the first case.Applying the LMI stability conditions and Lyapunov stabilitytheory, the stability of the controller can be guaranteed.In addition, both cases prove theuniformly upper bound (UUB) and the performance of H∞ control can be guaranteed.
  Lastly, simulations for each proposed control scheme are carried out, and simulation resultsare given.Obtained results demonstrate the performance and validity of each control schemes.
作者: Werneld Egno Ngongi
专业: 控制科学与工程
导师: Jialu Du
授予学位: 博士
授予学位单位: 大连海事大学
学位年度: 2015
正文语种: 中文