Sustainable Urban Transport for the Europe of Tomorrow
项目名称: Sustainable Urban Transport for the Europe of Tomorrow
摘要: SMILE is part of the group of CIVITAS integrated projects dealing with transport measures to improve the urban environment. It is one of four projects in CIVITAS II (2005-2009). With CIVITAS ("CIty-VITAlity-Sustainability), the European Commission aims to generate a decisive breakthrough by supporting and evaluating the implementation of ambitious integrated sustainable urban transport strategies that should make a real difference for the welfare of the European citizen. The objectives of Civitas SMILE are improved urban air quality, creation of a sustainable, safe and flexible traffic system that improves the quality of life in two leading cities, Malmö (Sweden) and Norwich (UK), and in three follower sites, Tallinn (Estonia), Suceava (Romania) and Potenza (Italy). It will cut the current trend of increased use and ownership of cars, promote sustainable alternatives and stimulate efficient and clean city distribution of goods. Civitas SMILE cities typify the urban policy issues facing the many historic medium sized cities in the European Union and in Accession Countries, giving a level of transferability. SMILE contains 20 demonstration measures, which will directly lower the hazardous emissions from city traffic. In the long run it will create a modal shift towards public transport, cycling and car-sharing. The project develops and implements an advanced training model to exchange know-how between Malmö and Tallinn. The results will have wide transferability in Europe, with particular focus on the new member state cities. It will demonstrate how small and medium sized European cities reaches EU-objectives and the Kyoto treaty through an intelligent sustainable city traffic based on intermodality.
状态: Active
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Sustainable Surface Transport
项目负责人: Humphrey, Chris
开始时间: 20050201
实际结束时间: 20090131
主题领域: Highways;Planning and Forecasting;Public Transportation