Changing Attitudes Toward Sustainable Transportation: The Impact of Meta-Arguments
项目名称: Changing Attitudes Toward Sustainable Transportation: The Impact of Meta-Arguments
摘要: The proposed research investigates the efficacy of communications that prompt people to rethink their attitudes about sustainable transportation. It is believef that an important contributor to attitudes about public transit, driving, walking, and bicycling are meta-cognitions about the functional value of holding particular attitudinal positions. Prior research has examined the impact of public service messages aimed at convincing potential riders about the merits of public transportation and the costs of driving. The planned study examines the persuasiveness of meta-arguments about the benefits of adopting more favorable attitudes toward public transportation options. Participants will read a message conveying conventional arguments for using public transportation (e.g., “Using public transportation significantly reduces the air pollution from driving a car”) or meta-arguments for adopting more favorable attitudes (e.g., “Surveys indicate that corporate America is increasingly hiring employees with a strong orientation toward environmentally sustainable practices such as public transportation”, “People who favor public transportation are perceived to be progressive and community oriented”), or a control communication about recycling. Both conventional arguments and meta-arguments are expected to lead to more positive attitudes toward public transportation. Meta-arguments about the functional value of more positive attitudes toward sustainable options may be particularly effective with persons who are indifferent about environmental issues or concerned about their social image. Theoretically, the study will show that this distinct category of arguments can be effective in persuasion. More importantly, the study will arm educators and policy makers with a new set of arguments or tools for changing attitudes about sustainable transportation.
状态: Completed
资金: 154616
资助组织: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology<==>National Institute for Transportation and Communities
项目负责人: Hagedorn, Hau
执行机构: University of Utah, Salt Lake City<==>AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
开始时间: 20140701
预计完成日期: 20160630
实际结束时间: 20170801
主题领域: Environment;Planning and Forecasting;Public Transportation;Safety and Human Factors