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原文传递 Helping Law Enforcement Use Data from Mobile Applications
题名: Helping Law Enforcement Use Data from Mobile Applications
责任者: Edward Balkovich, Don Prosnitz, Steven C. Isley, Anne E. Boustead, Bonnie L. Triezenberg
关键词: Criminal Law, Cyber and Data Sciences, Data Privacy, Data Science, The Internet, Law Enforcement, Telecommunications
学科分类: 智能交通
摘要: Consumer devices that automatically and unobtrusively collect data about their users, including cell phones and other mobile devices, are spreading. While these devices gather much data that is potentially helpful to law enforcement, they also complicate the interpretation of surveillance law and raise questions about privacy. Moreover, facilitating law enforcement understanding of and access to metadata may help law enforcement adjust practices as increased use of encryption decreases the availability of content information, even with appropriate legal permission. This report documents a prototype tool called MIKE (the Mobile Information and Knowledge Ecosystem) created to help interested stakeholders — law enforcement, commercial enterprises, regulators, legislators, and the public (including advocacy groups) — better understand the mobile app ecosystem and the relationships among the data, its sources, and applicable legal constraints. This volume describes the prototype, explains how it was developed, provides a manual for those who are interested in using it, and discusses how the prototype might be updated and extended.
出版机构: RAND
总页数: 124
报告类型: 咨询报告
资源类型: 科技(咨询、行业)报告
初始创建时间: 2017