Assistance with Financial Planning in the Current 2010-2035 Regional Transportation Plan
项目名称: Assistance with Financial Planning in the Current 2010-2035 Regional Transportation Plan
摘要: During 2010, The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) conducted a certification review of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council (NYMTC) regarding the transportation planning process in the New York metropolitan region. On June 24, 2011 FTA/FHWA issued a Federal Planning Certification Report which stated that NYMTC did meet the requirements of federal law and granted conditional certification, but with the stipulation that a corrective action would be completed within one year. If this condition is met, FTA/FHWA indicated that they would grant full certification. Though commendations of past work and recommendations for future improvement were also cited in the report, FTA/FHWA summarized the finding that led to the requirement for corrective action as "The financial information in the Regional Transportation (RTP) contains insufficient detail to clearly demonstrate fiscal constraint." [Federal Planning Certification Review of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Council, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY, p. v. ] In a letter to NYMTC dated July 21, 2011, FTA/FHWA followed up with guidance towards addressing the corrective action, which they indicated called for "explaining both the cost estimates and the needed revenues of adequately operating and maintaining the existing transportation system and explaining the strategies to ensure the availability of new revenues which are necessary for implementing projects in the RTP." They provided guidance in the form of the following four steps: Provide methodology in deriving various numbers, clearly define terms, and explain reasons for combining or not showing categories at various times. Clarify all tables. Show consistency with the latest information that has been shared with stakeholders, i.e. difference in total cost of East Side Access: $7.9 Billion publically reported vs. $2.9B in RTP. Identify the source of funding; how funding will be achieved and by whom; required actions for implementation; and when the funding is required for each portion of the project Address several planned highway projects currently under NEPA review and the resulting impacts these projects would have on the maintenance costs in the RTP. This could be included in an explanatory section. Though NYMTC staff has begun collecting most of the quantitative background data, they have requested that UTRC staff review the project information and compile a report/technical appendix that addresses the FTA/FHWA concerns to obtain permanent certification. The project team's objective is to review all relevant background data, most of which is available at NYMTC, to address the FTA/FHWA concerns. The team will produce a report that both qualitatively and in the form of a technical report clearly presents the RTP projects, costs, and revenues. In addition, the report will provide recommendations for future RTP planning and development in the NYMTC region.
状态: Active
资金: 100000.00
资助组织: New York Metropolitan Transportation Council
项目负责人: Mooney, Deborah
执行机构: City College of the City University of New York
开始时间: 20120315
实际结束时间: 20120630
主题领域: Finance;Planning and Forecasting;Policy