Testing and Assessment of Portable Seismic Property Analyzer
项目名称: Testing and Assessment of Portable Seismic Property Analyzer
摘要: Investigator will thoroughly test and assess the Portable Seismic Property Analyzer (PSPA), a hand-held device that focuses on pavement layer properties. The device can be utilized on both rigid and flexible pavements. When used on rigid pavements, the PSPA can provide information with respect to the quality and thickness of concrete, the existence and/or the location of voids or delamination within concrete, and the existence of voids or the loss of support underneath the slab. For flexible pavements, the PSPA provides information about the quality of the asphaltic-concrete layer.
状态: Completed
资金: 13921.00
资助组织: Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla
开始时间: 20120313
实际结束时间: 20130629
主题领域: Geotechnology;Highways;Pavements;I30: Materials