摘要: |
Maintenance operations have a profound impact on safety. Programs that can reduce accidents are snow removal, slippery surface restoration, pot-hole repair, edge drop-off renovation, rut depth repair, deer fence placement and mending, right-of-way fence maintenance, placement of pavement markings, delineator replacement, jersey barrier maintenance, tree trimming, weed mowing, glare screen issues, work zone safety measures, and many others. Accident data feedback to these programs can be very useful in planning and fine-tuning these operations. Specific accident types and causes lead to the need for improvements or modifications to the operations listed above, including snow and ice related crashes, wet weather accidents, deer hits, domestic animal hits, obscured vision related, and work zone related issues. This project will utilize selected crash data to make improvements in these maintenance programs. The occurrence of crash clusters (or lack of accidents) will be used to expand, eliminate, or modify activities within the various operations program. Accident data can be very useful at Semi-Annual Inspections where many decisions are made concerning the allocation of funding, and establishing tasks to be carried out in the field. Working closely with the experts managing these programs will be crucial. Strategies will be selected and the results observed over time. If unsuccessful a new approach will be implemented. This course of action has been shown to be effective in the past. |