Pooled Fund for the Design, Development and Testing of a Box Beam Approach Guardrail Transition and an MGS Approach Guardrail Transition to a MASH TL-4 Three Steel Tube Bridge Rail
Pooled Fund for the Design, Development and Testing of a Box Beam Approach Guardrail Transition and an MGS Approach Guardrail Transition to a MASH TL-4 Three Steel Tube Bridge Rail
The research objective is to develop two non-proprietary approach guardrail transition systems from box beam and MGS guardrail that are MASH Test Level 3 (TL-3) compliant. The transitions will be designed to connect the guardrail systems to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Type C2P TL-4 bridge rail system. Direct connection between the transition section and bridge rail is desired to avoid use of a solid concrete parapet end that could hinder snow clearing operations.
Montana Department of Transportation<==>Wyoming Department of Transportation