Spatial microanalysis and equity assessment of joint relationships among destination choice, activity duration, and mode choice
项目名称: Spatial microanalysis and equity assessment of joint relationships among destination choice, activity duration, and mode choice
摘要: This project combines multiple strands of research and develops a new integrated framework for spatial choice modeling and simulation. We use ideas emerging from our own research in motif and sequence analysis based on the 2017 National Household Travel Survey for California. This is then complemented with other external data at the business establishment microlevel. We develop a structural behavioral model that shows spatial correlation among destinations, duration of activity at each destination and the mode chosen to travel to each activity location considered as forming activity chains/tours. Then, we post process the data to identify segments of the population that face unsurmountable barriers in activity participation and therefore become de facto excluded from opportunities. In this model development we take advantage of new techniques in time-geography and in network development. This project advances science in the combination of built environment data with individual/household behavior and in the formulation of a new generation of core models for modeling and simulation for large scale urban simulation model systems. The methods we develop here have applications in equity analysis and we will demonstrate examples in this project. In Task 1 we assemble the NHTS data and combine with the NETS data; In Task 2 we develop trip chain/tour typologies at the person and household levels; In Task 3 we develop motifs and sequence analysis typologies; In Task 4 we correlate the typologies of Tasks 2 and 3 with spatial opportunities; in Task 5 we perform segmentation analysis; and in Task 6 we develop and present findings and policy recommendations. The ultimate outcome are behavioral models to use in simulation and policy recommendations for planning agencies. This project will also draw inferences about the behavioral impact of land use planning actions. Lessons learned from the computation and guidelines will be provided in a final report, a webinar, and two papers.
状态: Active
资金: $100,000.00
资助组织: Department of Transportation
项目负责人: Brinkerhoff, Cort
执行机构: University of California, Santa Barbara
开始时间: 20210816
预计完成日期: 20220815
主题领域: Data and Information Technology;Design;Geotechnology;Operations and Traffic Management;Research