Creating Self-Directed Resiliency Plans at GA Airports
项目名称: Creating Self-Directed Resiliency Plans at GA Airports
摘要: The objective of this research is to develop a product or products that general aviation (GA) airports of various categories and sizes can use to enhance their resilience.  The product(s) should guide airports in preparing to respond, adapt, and sustain itself to all varieties of stressors or shocks including economic, social, political, environmental, and operational or infrastructure.  The product(s) should guide GA airport sponsors through a planning process, without the aid of consultants and at minimal costs.   At a minimum, the product(s) should include: (1) A summary of airport resiliency planning and its value at GA airports.   (2) A discussion of technologies and strategies to address present and future disruptors and factors that do and could challenge GA airport business models. (3) A discussion on the stressors and shocks that GA airports could face. (4) Guidance on collaborating with and understanding how GA airports can support federal/state/local entities and municipalities during stressors and shocks, including collaboration and communication with airport tenants, stakeholders, and the general public. (5) Case studies of a variety of GA airports at different levels of maturity in resilience planning.   (6) A template for preparing communication and briefing tools, which GA airport managers could use to educate community leaders on the need and value of GA airports especially during stressors and shocks. (7) A discussion of the integration of resilience planning in other airport planning processes, i.e., master planning, strategic planning, etc., and the consideration of funding sources, i.e., state, AIP, potential public/private partnerships or third-party investment, etc. (8) A low-cost stress test exercise that GA airports could conduct. (9) Guidelines for GA airports that will enable the airport sponsor to evaluate and prepare to take the proper responses and actions to effectively manage their airport during stressors and shocks.
状态: Active
资金: 320000
资助组织: Airport Cooperative Research Program<==>Federal Aviation Administration
项目负责人: Griffin, Matthew J
执行机构: Cadmus Group, Inc.
开始时间: 20210727
预计完成日期: 20230126
主题领域: Aviation;Planning and Forecasting;Security and Emergencies;Terminals and Facilities