Exploring the Characteristics of Faculty and Staff Parking on University Campuses
Exploring the Characteristics of Faculty and Staff Parking on University Campuses
The Center for Transportation, Environment and Community Health (CTECH) has funded UTEP researchers two parking projects in the past years. The first project identified the characteristics of parking on university campuses and developed the total demand and base price models for student parking for a campus. The second and ongoing project aims to quantify the health effects related to students parking location choices. This proposed project will expand the scope of parking research to faculty and staff parking. The following tasks will be performed over the 12-month period:
Task 1 - review of faculty and staff parking on university campuses.
Task 2 – collection of faculty and staff parking data via the Internet from university campuses that have enrollment of 10,000 or more students.
Task 3 - development of a faculty and staff parking pricing model that considers the campus setting and location of the parking lots.
Task 4 - integration of the faculty and staff parking pricing model to be developed in Task 3 with the already developed student parking pricing model.
Output: The expected outputs of this research are (i) faculty and staff parking data from university campuses; (ii) faculty and staff parking pricing model. They will be disseminated through journal and conference publications.
Outcome: The media (local TV channels and newspaper) will be informed about this project and its findings. This project will be publicized at the annual meeting of the Campus Parking and Transportation Association.
Impact: The pricing model developing this research will be made available for adoption by members of the Campus Parking and Transportation Association. The estimated market size is 300 universities. The implementation of the model will have direct impacts on the faculty and staff’s transportation costs.
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology