REmote Driving Operation - REDO
项目名称: REmote Driving Operation - REDO
摘要: Purpose and goal: The goal of Remote Driving Operations (REDO) project is to build knowledge and create opportunities in the emerging field of remote operation of road vehicles. The project should support the competitiveness of Swedish industry and start-ups, with potential effects of smart urban mobility solutions based on remote control of (autonomous) vehicles in a Systems-of-Systems (SoS) setting and creating a knowledge base for SoS engineering in the urban transportation domain. Expected results and effects: The main results from the project will be tools, methods and demonstrations of remote operation of vehicles. However, the project does include comprehensive studies that is supposed to give valuable scientific results on operational requirements on the system-of-systems for remote driving, as well as advice and overview on regulation and laws. Approach and implementation: This project is divided into 7 work packages dealing with the following topics: 1. Challenges for the driver of teleoperated vehicles in a system of systems. (WP2) 2. Requirements on driver feedback and vehicles during teleoperation. (WP3) 3. Systems-of-systems architecture and infrastructures to support teleoperated driving and control tower operation. (WP4) 4. Demonstrate potentials of teleoperated driving and present a reference architecture for teleoperated driving. (WP5) 5. Laws and regulations concerning teleoperated driving. (WP6)
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Vinnova (FFI)
项目负责人: Jansson, Jonas
执行机构: Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI)
开始时间: 20191201
预计完成日期: 20221130
主题领域: Vehicles and Equipment;I91: Vehicle Design and Safety