Reparation och förstärkning av betongkonstruktioner med korroderad armering
项目名称: Reparation och förstärkning av betongkonstruktioner med korroderad armering
摘要: The Swedish Transport Administration manages almost 20,000 bridges, of which the vast majority are built in reinforced concrete. Of these, many have damages in the form of corroded reinforcement. Future climate change is expected to increase the rate of damage, and in addition, demands for bridge capacity increase over time. Therefore, Trafikverket faces a huge challenge to be able to guarantee the safety of the aging bridge stock with limited financial resources. Being able to repair or strengthen bridges is considerably cheaper than having to build new ones, hence extending the life time. Previous research on repair and strengthening has, however, almost exclusively been done on undamaged constructions. A few studies that have been done show that damaged structures risk other modes of damage - not only adhesion between old and new concrete and the laminates of reinforcement need to be under control, but also separation of the entire concrete cover. In order to be able to repair and reinforce existing, corroded constructions, knowledge is needed about how these fractures interact. This project will develop knowledge and models to be able to provide guidance on how existing guidelines for reinforcement and repair need to be adjusted to cover structures damaged by reinforcement corrosion. The project will be implemented in collaboration between Chalmers University of Technology, Luleå University of Technology and Skanska. By doing so, we combine the expertise that is available at Chalmers on corroded constructions with that in Luleå on strengthening structures and Skanska's experience from practice. We have extensive experience of similar work in the past, all the way from trial and advanced modeling to the development of simplified methods that are now used in practice. In this project, corroded reinforced concrete beams will be repaired and reinforced, and then loaded to investigate stiffness and bearing capacity. We will also use modeling as a tool, both for designing suitable repair and reinforcement measures, and for getting a basic understanding and being able to describe the underlying phenomena. The project will provide guidance on how corrosion-damaged constructions can be repaired and reinforced. The effect of a successful project is that the longevity of many old and culturally valuable bridges can be extended, which results in great economic savings, reduced carbon dioxide emissions and minor disruptions in traffic. An overall assessment of the economic effects of the Swedish Transport Administration's bridge stock shows a saving potential of SEK 100-200 million / year when implementing the project's results. In addition, there will be facilities at other Infrastructure owners with similar needs. At BBT's workshop 2018-05-23, the area with reinforcement of concrete structures was highlighted as a priority area.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket
项目负责人: Lundgren, Karin
执行机构: Chalmers tekniska högskola AB
开始时间: 20190801
预计完成日期: 20220930
主题领域: Bridges and other structures;Maintenance and Preservation;I60: Maintenance;I61: Equipment and Maintenance Methods