摘要: |
This project seeks to compile data on landslide hazards throughout the State of Idaho for use by ITD staff/contractors and others. Researchers will create a centralized, modern digital landslide database that brings together landslide data from a variety of sources. The database will help users understand the occurrence, distribution, and character of landslides in Idaho. The study will address several longstanding recommendations made in 1997 by the Governor�s Landslide Task Force and satisfy the need for an up-to-date inventory of landslide hazards. The main objectives of this project include: (1) Developing robust criteria for ranking landslide hazards. The goal of this ranking is not to address risk (i.e., the probability of losses due to a given hazard), but to define the basic geologic hazard. The hazard classifications can be used by ITD to estimate risk. (2) Creating and populating a digital landslide database for the state of Idaho. The database will be easily integrated into ITD�s existing IPLAN online mapping system and will be available as a stand-alone landslide database published by IGS. (3) Compiling landslide data from ITD records, IGS mapping, and other sources. (4) Improving ITD�s ability to prioritize landslide mitigation planning. |