Development of Pavement Condition Forecasting for Web-Based Asset Management for County Governments
项目名称: Development of Pavement Condition Forecasting for Web-Based Asset Management for County Governments
摘要: This asset inventory program was created as the first step for asset management to allow local roadway managers to document and understand their existing infrastructure using the latest mobile technology and GIS. The goal of this project would be to expand the program to include roadway forecasting based on the AASHTO 93 model with inventory, pavement condition, and traffic forecasting data.
状态: Programmed
资助组织: Local Road Research Board
管理组织: Minnesota Department of Transportation
执行机构: North Dakota State University, Fargo
主要研究人员: Wentz, Brad
开始时间: 20180701
预计完成日期: 0
实际结束时间: 0