Advanced Testing and Characterization of Iowa Soils and Geomaterials
项目名称: Advanced Testing and Characterization of Iowa Soils and Geomaterials
摘要: The objectives of the proposed research are to: (1) Build an Advanced Geomaterial Testing and Characterization Device. This objective will be achieved by building the machine possessing the following capabilities. These capabilities were mentioned in detail previously. A summary of these capabilities are listed below: a) Evaluate the anisotropic behavior of materials under dynamic/static load conditions. b) Evaluate material performance under different climatic conditions. c) Evaluate pore pressure change in all directions. (2) Evaluate the Anisotropic Behavior of Geomaterials. This objective will be achieved via constructing a series of laboratory tests on geomaterials samples collected from Iowa. The total number of different materials that will be tested will be 16, including coarse-grained and fine-grained soils, and recycled materials. Anisotropic (in all directions) modular ratios will be calculated. Modular ratios will be determined for MR, shear strength, angle of friction, cohesion, and permanent deformation parameters. (3) Determine the Relationships Between the Modular Ratios of Geo-materials and Geo-material Qualities: In this part of the study design charts will be developed between the modular ratios and the following performance indicators: a) Modular Ratios vs. Abrasion Resistance (for coarse grained geomaterials); b) Modular Ratios vs. Bulk Stress; c) Modular Ratios vs. Freeze-Thaw resistance; d) Modular Ratios vs. Shear Stress Ratios; e) Modular Ratios vs. Shear Strength; f) Friction Angle vs. Shear Stress Ratio. These charts will enable the Department of Transportation (DOT) and county engineers to be able to predict the performance of pavement foundation layers and unpaved road materials based on the measurements of certain material properties. (4) Determine the Performance of Geomaterials under Different Climatic Conditions. Specimens will be tested under different temperature conditions via help of environmental chamber to determine the actual field performance of materials in the laboratory test. Specimens will be subjected to certain number of freeze-thaw cycles and will be tested for Mr and permanent deformation test after each freeze-thaw cycle. The proposed research will consist of seven tasks, described in detail below. The research team will consist of personnel from the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering at Iowa State University to effectively manage the project and complete the required tasks. For planning purposes, it is assumed that this project will have a 30 month duration. Task 1: Meet with the Project's Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) to Review the Project Scope and Work Plan; Task 2: Literature Review; Task 3: Collection of Materials and Development of a Laboratory Test Matrix; Task 4: Laboratory Testing; Task 5: Advance Characterization of Geomaterials; Task 6: Evaluation of Actual Freeze-Thaw Performance of Geomaterials; and Task 7: Preparation of Draft Final Report.
状态: Active
资金: 250000
资助组织: Iowa Department of Transportation
管理组织: Iowa State University, Ames
项目负责人: Jones, Kevin
执行机构: Iowa State University, Ames
主要研究人员: Ceylan, Halil
开始时间: 20171130
预计完成日期: 20201031
实际结束时间: 0