V�rdering och styrmedel f�r sj�fartens milj�belastning
项目名称: V�rdering och styrmedel f�r sj�fartens milj�belastning
摘要: This project is a collaboration between IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Chalmers and Clean Shipping Index. The overall goal is to make an assessment of various environmental impacts from shipping. This will be used in an analysis of how policy instruments can be designed to prioritize the most important impacts, as well as the effectiveness of policy instruments in order to reduce these pressures. This knowledge is necessary as background data for constructing effective instruments to reduce the environmental impact of shipping. The results of this project will be used to verify and further develop such a methodology, as well as to compare the investment costs for abatement technology with savings under the policy instruments. The approach is to conduct a proper analysis of costs and benefits for various ships operating in Swedish waters. The results can also be used as support for investments in new technologies that are often justified on environmental grounds. In addition to these aspects, the project will calculate the reductions in environmental costs from the reduction of environmental loads. These environmental costs will be estimated as the value of ecosystem services and abatement costs. There are big challenges with the valuation of these different loads, which will be highlighted by presenting ranges of values. The project will look at the current situation, but also on the future. The regulations that will be implemented concerning NOX, sulfur, EEDI, ballast water, and waste water will be analysed, and the impact of these regulations on different instruments will be described. Costs of different fuels and environmental technologies will be collected, and scenarios will be developed to assess the impact of different policy instruments, and what these instruments can be expected to achieve as reduced environmental impact. The project is divided into six work packages: Work package 1. Project management communications; Work package 2. Methods to analyze environmental, health and climate impacts; Work package 3. Valuation of maritime influence on health, climate and environment; Work package 4. Technical solutions to reduce the impact; Work package 5. Analysis of effects of policy instruments; Work package 6. Scenarios with different options for control with the assessment of abatement potential. The results will be presented in reports and articles and will be used by CSI in the future development of the index in order to reduce the impact of shipping on the climate and the environment.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Fridell, Erik
执行机构: IVL Svenska Milj�institutet AB
开始时间: 20171101
预计完成日期: 20201031
实际结束时间: 0