Mor�tter och piskor inom sj�farten f�r att uppn� milj�kvalitetsm�l
项目名称: Mor�tter och piskor inom sj�farten f�r att uppn� milj�kvalitetsm�l
摘要: The objective of the project is to (a) identify policy instruments and measures in shipping which directly or indirectly address the environmental quality goals regarding reduced climate impact, clean air, natural acidification only and zero eutrophication; (b) analyse and assess the effectiveness of these policy instruments and measures, i.e. costs in relation to benefits in form of emission reductions; (c) based on the analyses suggest which policy instruments Sweden should move forward with at the national and international level. The objective of the project is in line with the Swedish transport policy goals, specifically the "consideration goal" which includes safety and health aspects as well as environmental quality goals. The objective is also in line with Sweden's Maritime strategy and Fossil-free transport strategy and EU's policy and goals in the corresponding areas. The project analyses which combination of policy instruments is most cost effective regarding the four environmental quality objectives mentioned above. There is currently no comprehensive analysis of the policy instruments and measures that have been implemented. No previous study has dealt with the instruments and measures needed to promote and ensure a speedy and comprehensive solutions that reduce the emissions from shipping. Analyses of the policy instruments and their impacts have focused on CO2 emissions or one air pollutant at a time. The project represents a natural evolution of projects that focused on the technical and operational efficiency of solutions and a complement to the ongoing VINNOVA project on environmental fees and incentives in ports which relates to the landside and the seaside.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Vierth, Inge
执行机构: Statens v�g- och transportforskningsinstitut (VTI)
开始时间: 20170901
预计完成日期: 20191231
实际结束时间: 0