摘要: |
The objectives of this research project are to: (1) update magnitude and frequency of peak flows for rural, unregulated USGS stations in South Carolina where adequate data are available; (2) when appropriate and based on reviews of the data, update magnitude and frequency of peak flows at regulated USGS gages in South Carolina; (3) in coordination with the USGS South Atlantic Water Science Center NC and GA offices and the USGS Office of Surface Water, update the regional generalized skew coefficient for NC, SC, and GA; 4) in coordination with the USGS South Atlantic Water Science Center NC and GA offices, update the regional rural flood-frequency equations for the 50-, 20-, 10-, 4-, 2-, 1-, 0.5-, and 0.2-percent chance exceedance flows; (5) update the StreamStats application to include the new gage flood-frequency estimates and the new regional regression equations; and (6) develop procedures for updating the flood-frequency estimates for stations on an annual basis with the results being provided through the StreamStats application. |