Validering av GIS-metod f�r landskaps-analys m.h.a. befintliga telemetridata o viltolycksdata
项目名称: Validering av GIS-metod f�r landskaps-analys m.h.a. befintliga telemetridata o viltolycksdata
摘要: Validation of the analyse modell "Circuit Scape" by use of existing telemetry data on animals movement in the wild. The model analyses movements in nature for specific animals. So far data on animals movement are set through expert judgements. To validate the model several researchers from different organisations now make their telemetri data from other projects available to this project. By this a huge amount of money and time is saved.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Sj�lund, Lisa
执行机构: SWECO Position AB
开始时间: 20170815
预计完成日期: 20180930
实际结束时间: 0