Validering av �lderssamband f�r asfaltbel�ggningar (SBUF)
项目名称: Validering av �lderssamband f�r asfaltbel�ggningar (SBUF)
摘要: The project aims to investigate and validate the existing relationship for age correction when testing the stiffness modulus and stability (dynamic creep test) of asphalt pavements. Age correction in the current Transport Administration Specifications are based on conventional asphalt pavements. In recent years the use of additives in the bitumen (polymers) has increased why the control and validation of the age correction to the predetermined time (usually 30 days) is necessary. The project includes study of cores from laboratory prepared test plates from ABB with and without polymer modified bitumen. Drilled cores from the test plates shall be taken after various times for investigation of stiffness modulus at + 10 � C and creep testing at + 40 � C.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Kader, Khalid
执行机构: NCC Roads AB
开始时间: 20150601
预计完成日期: 20171031
实际结束时间: 0