Kvalitetss�kring av bullerber�kningar
项目名称: Kvalitetss�kring av bullerber�kningar
摘要: One of the major impacts of new transport infrastructure is noise pollution. Road traffic as well as railway traffic generates noise which can have negative environmental and health impacts in the surround areas. The Swedish Transport Administration performs noise calculation as a part of the planning process for new projects as a basis to evaluate localization, need of noise reduction measures and to define who is impacted by the project. There can be major discrepancies between different noise calculations for the same project depending on choices made by the person responsible for the calculation. The aim of this research projects is to identify possible sources for these discrepancies. As a result of the project a recommendation will be presented of how to minimize the uncertainty from the identified sources, and consequently increase the quality of the noise calculations. A long term aim is to give input that can help the method applied to make noise calculations of the Swedish Transport Administration more uniform between different projects as well as between different stages within the same project.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Hedenskog, Albin
执行机构: WSP Sverige AB
开始时间: 20170701
预计完成日期: 20181130
实际结束时间: 0