E-handelns returlogistik: Den v�xande varureturvolymens effekter p� energif�rbrukning och milj�
项目名称: E-handelns returlogistik: Den v�xande varureturvolymens effekter p� energif�rbrukning och milj�
摘要: In Sweden, 3.3 million shipments of goods bought online are returned annually, with clothing accounting for the largest proportion. Together with increases in cross-border e-tailing, reverse logistics (i.e. the logistics involved in returning goods to the retailer) has become very important in terms of energy use and environmental sustainability. How do retailers deal with these returns and what can be done to minimize the impact of reverse logistics on energy use and the environment? This project aims to address these issues by analyzing and assessing the reverse logistics policies and procedures of clothing e-tailers in Sweden. It will also analyse the impacts of the various mitigation measures (aimed at reducing the volume of returns) adopted by the retailers. A framework will be developed to help e-tailers to understand, calculate and improve their energy use and sustainability in this key but understudied area.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Energimyndigheten
项目负责人: Cullinane, Sharon
执行机构: G�teborgs universitet
开始时间: 20161201
预计完成日期: 20181231
实际结束时间: 0