In- och kringfartslogistik � effektivare nyttjande av infrastrukturen
项目名称: In- och kringfartslogistik � effektivare nyttjande av infrastrukturen
摘要: The increasing urbanization and the expected regional expansion planned in the metropolitan regions in Sweden leads to to major transportation challenges. Improved transport efficiency through more efficient utilization of existing infrastructure is central to satisfy the mobility requirements of both people and freight, while minimizing the environmental impact. A FFI-funded pre-study concluded that there is high potential, both in terms of capacity and technology, to dynamically prioritize sustainable freight transport and increase the capacity of existing infrastructure by streamlining the sub-urban logistics in metropolitan regions. The aim of the project is to investigate the socio-economic potential of a streamlined sub-urban logistics for freight transport, through dynamic prioritization, and to prepare for a full-scale demonstration. The project is expected to result in a proposal for how a full-scale demonstration could be carried out, based on an analysis of feasibility, environmental- and commercial benefits, as well as verified system effects. The main applicant of the project is Closer at Lindholmen Science Park and collaborative partners are DB Schenker, the Swedish Transport Administration, V�stra G�talandsregionen, Chalmers University of Technology, the Royal Institute of Technology, Gothenburg city, City of Stockholm and Midconnect. Volvo Group, Scania and Ericsson supports further development of the project and the first two are included in the reference group through their participation in Closer�s Round table within Urban Mobility. Total budget for the project is 3.7 million SEK, of which 1.3 million SEK are applied for by FFI. The project time is 20 months.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Olsson, Lina
执行机构: Lindholmen Science Park AB
开始时间: 20160801
预计完成日期: 20180330
实际结束时间: 0