Slitbetong p� brobaneplattor � vidareutveckling av en h�gpresterande och h�llbar konstruktionsl�sning
项目名称: Slitbetong p� brobaneplattor � vidareutveckling av en h�gpresterande och h�llbar konstruktionsl�sning
摘要: An alternative to an impermeable layer and conventional asphalt topping is a topping of a high performance concrete cast directly onto the structural concrete. The high performance must be secured by an optimized concrete quality, no de-bonding to the underlying concrete and by avoidance of cracks. A relatively large amount of bridges managed by the Swedish transport administration have already been accomplished with toppings of concrete. Approximately 500 bridges are built with concrete topping. It gives a high initial quality and lower maintenance cost. A replacement of the impermeable layer for a bridge with conventional asphalt topping cost ~2700 SEK/m2 i.e. 675000 SEK for a bridge deck of 250 m2. Earlier concrete topping of bridges is relatively frequent suffers from problems. The causes of this problems are seldom well investigated and therefor the concrete toppings as a design option have a bad reputation among bridge engineers. The need of research in this field is therefore desirable. Four research questions are identified and will be analyzed: -How does shrinkage and thermal deformation influence the behavior of concrete toppings? - How does the bond strength influence the performance of concrete toppings? - How does reinforcement (fibres or bars) distribute possible cracks in concrete toppings? - How does the fresh concrete behavior influence the casting technique and curing?
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Emborg, Mats
执行机构: Lule� tekniska universitet
开始时间: 20160406
预计完成日期: 20190630
实际结束时间: 0