�kad kust- och inlandssj�fart f�r transport av jord och berg � case Stockholm, S�dert�rn och V�ster�s
项目名称: �kad kust- och inlandssj�fart f�r transport av jord och berg � case Stockholm, S�dert�rn och V�ster�s
摘要: Today's metropolitan areas are growing and the demand on new housing and infrastructure is great. This increases the challenges of trfansportation of soil and rock aggregates. Apart from the aggregate from quarries, needed for construction a large amount of excavated soil and rock generated from excavation is transporter from the project area and disposed. Only in the city of Stockholm roughly 400 construction projects simultaneously managed, for the Stockholm county this construction imply transport of about 11 million tonnes of quarry materials and 5-15 million tons of soil and rock materials from excavation. Soil and rock transport are carried out almost exclusively by trucks. Today, the transport of soil and rock constitutes more than 25% of the volume of goods transported on the Swedish road network. These transports are energy-intensive and have a large impact on the climate. Heavy transport also gives rise to emissions including noise, congestion and wear and tear of the roads. Truck transport in urban areas where access is restricted is problematic. Truck transports capabilities using the system are low because of weight limits and limited opportunities to take return loads. The energy efficiency of soil and rock transportation can be increased and emissions reduced through the transfer of goods to more energy efficient modes of transport. Shipping is one such mode with great potential both in terms of energy efficiency but also in reduced emissions and good capacity. The adoption of the EU regulatory framework for inland navigation in Sweden opens new opportunities for advancement, but several principal and practical questions of the application remain unanswered in the current situation. Today, the truck transportation offers advantages: flexibility, short lead times, the ability to transport goods from door to door and requires no reloading. The transshipment operation is often a bottleneck in the transport chain: it requires equipment and personnel and thus can be both time consuming and costly. Transshipment cost can be significant for shipments of low-value goods such as soil and rock material. Another factor is the lack of available space required for bulk handling, and high land prices that allow functions such material will be disqualified. Currently in Sweden there is an ongoing implementation of the regulatory framework for inland navigation. This means that EU legislation is being adapted to Swedish conditions and an analysis of zoning of Swedish waters is developed. The existing vessels operating on Swedish inland waterways to SOLAS regulations, that is, adapted to operate in open waters. In implementation of inland classified vessels in Sweden several technical and security issues needs to be resolved. In addition to vessel specifications the whole chain of multimodal transport needs to be designed so that it will be beneficial to maritime transport. Proper handling equipment and access to appropriate quays or wharves are important factors that need to be ascertained, as well as various transport policy factors such as the design of tax and fee schedule (fairway and port fees, possible distance based road tax "v�gslitageskatt" etc.) affect the potential for modal shift. The proposed project is a preliminary study that analyses the opportunities for the transfer of soil and rock transport from road to sea transport. The study focuses on Stockholm, S�dert�rn and V�ster�s area. It is conducted in cooperation between LTU, Ecoloop, the region's municipalities, ports, relevant contractors and carriers. The project aims to develop concrete proposals on how the transfer can take place, developing specifications for vessels and handling equipment, mapping access to the quays and analyze barriers and suggest ways to overcome them. Proposals for demonstration projects will be displayed.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Sj�fartsverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Lundberg, Kristina
执行机构: Lule� tekniska universitet
开始时间: 20160401
预计完成日期: 20170131
实际结束时间: 0