Testing New Technology Solutions to Restrict Wildlife Access to Highways
项目名称: Testing New Technology Solutions to Restrict Wildlife Access to Highways
摘要: The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) is examining options to create effective and economical in-road wildlife deterrents to prevent mule deer and other wildlife access to Utah roads. This would help reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions, which are estimated to occur with mule deer at minimum 20,000 times each year in Utah. In areas with wildlife fencing, animals can still enter the road right-of-way in places with single cattle guards along the fence, and at the end of the wildlife fences. This proposed research is to examine how effective electric pavement is in deterring wildlife from entering the road at the following: existing single cattle guards with electric pavement placed in front, at existing electric mats with an added bed of electric pavement, and electric pavement at an at-grade area where wildlife cross the road at the end of wildlife fencing. If these electric pavement applications are cost-effective, they could be used by UDOT and other departments of transportation across many areas.
状态: Proposed
资金: 35000
资助组织: Utah Department of Transportation
管理组织: Utah Department of Transportation
项目负责人: Richins, Jason
主要研究人员: Cramer, Patricia
开始时间: 20160314
预计完成日期: 20170331
实际结束时间: 0