Dimensioneringsmodell f�r KC pelare installerade i direkt skjuvzon och passivzon
项目名称: Dimensioneringsmodell f�r KC pelare installerade i direkt skjuvzon och passivzon
摘要: The project is a collaboration between Skanska and KTH and performed as an industrial PhD project. The project is a continuation of the project U2013-01 - "L/C columns in the passive zone", which has been reported in the licentiate thesis "Field and Laboratory Tests of Laterally Loaded Rows of Lime/Cement Columns" and aims to develop a reliable design model for L/C columns, which are used for the stabilization of temporary and permanent excavation and embankments. The results of completed field trials together with the laboratory study and numerical modeling will be the basis for the development of a reliable design model that can adequately predict the effect of L/C column ground improvement conducted in the passive zones of a structure. By developing a conceptual basic philosophy and a calculation model which can be used to predict the interaction between clay and L/C columns, structures can be optimized for the necessary safety and deformation requirements.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Larsson, Stefan
执行机构: Kungliga Tekniska H�gskolan, KTH
开始时间: 20160201
预计完成日期: 20171231
实际结束时间: 0