Skydd f�r tr�grundl�ggning och kulturlager i samband med stadsplanering och byggande f�r h�llbart resande
项目名称: Skydd f�r tr�grundl�ggning och kulturlager i samband med stadsplanering och byggande f�r h�llbart resande
摘要: When any impact of the groundwater level can be expected in a planned construction work permission has to be applied according to the national Environmental code. One type of damage that may occur due to a lowered groundwater level are fungal or bacterial attack on buildings wooden foundation. Even the wood in archaeological remains can be damaged in this way. To settle requirements that protect sensitive objects and not increase the cost of the project better measures has to be developed. The project aims to increase the knowledge of how construction works involving groundwater level changes can affect wooden foundations and archaeological remains in different time frames and in different urban environments. Especially, the consequences of groundwater lowering and infiltration will be studied. The project will raise the scientific base for the development of new effective methods and techniques. These will provide increased protection for wooden foundations and archeological remains. The project will also present a guideline that will be spread both within and outside of Sweden.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Bj�rdal, Charlotte
执行机构: G�teborgs universitet
开始时间: 20160825
预计完成日期: 20201201
实际结束时间: 0