Att f�r�ndra m�nniskors dagliga resande � m�lkonflikter, drivkrafter och konsekvenser
项目名称: Att f�r�ndra m�nniskors dagliga resande � m�lkonflikter, drivkrafter och konsekvenser
摘要: The proposed project aims to examine how different measures for achieving a resource and energy efficient transport system is perceived by the public, to elucidate the differences that may exist between different groups of people, and to investigate how the measures can be designed and presented on a way that the public can accept (and accordingly change their behavior). The project build on a survey that will show how different measures are understood and perceived, and to what extent they are on par with hedonistic, gain, and normative goals. Further, the type and design of measures that have the largest potential for behavioral change will be examined in experiments. The project will contribute with deeper knowledge for policy makers on how to design measures for reducing energy dependence in the transport sector. The scientific added value is increased knowledge and understanding of goal and goal conflicts in relation to individuals' behavior.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Energimyndigheten
项目负责人: Westin, Kerstin
执行机构: Ume� universitet, Sweden
开始时间: 20170201
预计完成日期: 20191231
实际结束时间: 0