Distribution p� M�larens inre vattenv�gar
项目名称: Distribution p� M�larens inre vattenv�gar
摘要: The major change in the distribution pattern that will occur when the fuel depots in Loudden and Bergs are closing around 2019-2020 will cause an urgent need of new sustainable logistics solutions. The annual volume of liquid fuels is about 1,5 million tons and the storage facilities will most likely be moved to Port of S�dert�lje. Moving to port of S�dert�lje means that the transport distance between the fuel depot and receivers will increase significant and this causes a large number of ton kilometres on road if the today truck-based mode of distribution will remain. Sweden has decided to implement the EU regulations for inland waterways (IWW) and this opens up opportunities to build new logistics systems that are based on inland navigation and there will be possibilities to shift the distribution of liquid fuels from road to an IWW-concept in Lake M�laren. In addition to the liquid fuels there is a need to find new logistics solutions for construction and recycling products within the Stockholm city area. At first it was the projects intention to analyse possible combinations between the different cargo segments, but that turned out not being possible due to lack of time. The project was from the beginning aiming to investigate whether it is possible to shift the distribution of liquid fuels, construction and recycling products from the today on road transportation to a sea-based logistics solution on the inland waterways of Lake M�laren, but it was only time enough to look into the possibilities for liquid fuels. The project should be considered a milestone in the total work with building a commercial and sustainable distribution model that enables a demonstration of IWW-distribution on Lake M�laren.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Axi�, Johan
执行机构: Sj�fartsverket, Sweden
开始时间: 20150801
预计完成日期: 20160223
实际结束时间: 0