EMMA - inre vattenv�gar
项目名称: EMMA - inre vattenv�gar
摘要: The Baltic Sea Region with its growing transport volumes, especially between East and West and its insufficient road and rail infrastructure needs innovative and pragmatic solutions to cope with future requirements. Lakes, rivers, canals and also the Baltic Sea have huge capacity reserves, whereas road and rail infrastructure is (at least in some parts of the Baltic Sea Region) overloaded. However, inland shipping do still not play a role in the transport system commensurate to its potentials. In some countries inland shipping today plays a minor role (mainly Germany, Finland, Sweden and Poland). In other countries it played a role in the past, but has fallen asleep and needs to be re-activated. All in all ship transportation has many advantages compared to alternative modes like road and rail. In particular, it is cost efficient and environmentally friendly compared to the other modes. Too often, shipping is not even considered as transport alternative by many forwarders and stakeholders in the transport sector. The question that needs to be answered is how the modal share of inland shipping can be increased within, to, from and between Baltic Sea Region countries. The implementation of demonstration projects, their promotion for wider acceptance and information that addresses the specific target groups is required. The EMMA-project links a longer-term perspective with the implementation of short-term improvements. These market oriented pragmatic solutions will contribute to increase the share of inland and river-sea ship transport in the overall transport system of the Baltic Sea Region. EMMA partners have identified five fields of action to overcome existing obstacles for the development of inland waterways (IWW): 1. Make the market more acquainted with IWW 2. Change the mind-set of politicians and general public regarding IWW 3. Reduce the cost of inland shipping to improve its competitiveness by infrastructure measures or technical changes in ship design 4. Improve administrative structures and regulation-making procedures affecting inland shipping 5. Demonstration projects
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Hermansson, Niklas
执行机构: Trafikverket, Sweden
开始时间: 20160101
预计完成日期: 20190228
实际结束时间: 0