摘要: |
Two numerical models and two physical models were used to investigate the effects of proposed improvement
plans with respect to shoreline erosion at Buhne Point, Humboldt Bay, California. Initially, a
numerical tidal circulation model was used to determine the tidal current field adjacent to Buhne Point.
Maximum flood and ebb tidal currents were Identified and used as test conditions for the physical models.
A l:l00-8cale physical model of central Humboldt Bay Included the Jettied entrance to the bay, approximately
18,000 lin ft of shoreline inside the bay flncludlng Buhne Point), and underwater contours throughout
the central portion of the hay and the .irea between the Jetties. This model was used to determine the
wave climate (angle of wave fronts and wave heights along these fronts) In the vicinity of Buhne Point for
a series of Incident wave conditions and directions (waves propagated through the Humboldt Bay entrance)
and for various water levels and tidal flow conditions. A 30-ft-long wave generator, an Automated Data
Acquisition and Control Srstcn (ADACS). and a nodal circulation System were utilited in modal operation. The
output conditions obtained Iron the l:100-acale physical nodal were Input Into a l:SO-acale physical model of
Buhne Point where the effectiveness of various structures proposed for shore protection was evaluated.«.This
nodel reproduced approalnately 9,200 lln ft of shoreline In the Buhne Point area and the isnedlate underwater
contours In Runboldt Bay and utilised an 85-ft-long curved wave generator, a model circulation system, and
crushed coal tracer naterlal in nodel operation. Through the use of a munerlcal sedlne.it transport model of
Runboldt Bay, the effects of the optlnun laprovenent plan developed from the l:50-scale physical model on
conditions (sediment movement, tidal flushing, etc.) In other areas in the bay (areas not Included In the
physical models) were determined.
The numerrical tidal circulation model provided the tidal current field adjacent to Buhnc Point for
eslstlng (1983) conditions and (or the optimum improvement plan (Plan 30). Based on the results of this
model Investigation, It was concluded that changes In tidal current velocities and flow patterns wilt be
minimal due to the proposed improvenments