原文传递 Turer til Fots og pa Sykkel. Den Nasjonale Reisevaneundersokelsen 2005(Walking and Cycling, Norwegian Travel Survey 2005)
题名: Turer til Fots og pa Sykkel. Den Nasjonale Reisevaneundersokelsen 2005(Walking and Cycling, Norwegian Travel Survey 2005)
作者: Vagane, L.
关键词: Bicycles##Walking##Travel surveys##Norway##Interviews##Pedestrian trips##Automobiles##Rural areas##Gender##Age##National Travel Survey##Road users##Cycling##Norwegian Travel Survey 2005##
摘要: In the Norwegian Travel Survey 2005 about 17,500 people from 13 years are interviewed. This report analyses pedestrian and bicycle trips. Every third person has made a trip on foot, while six percent have been cycling during an average day. Walking trips are on average 1.7 kilometres and cycling trips 3.2 kilometres. Young people, females and people living in the larger cities walk more than average. The cyclists are mainly young people. The number who say they walk daily increases by age up to the age of 30-40. Men, people aged 35-44 and people living in less central areas often use the car even on short trips.
总页数: 38
报告类型: 科技报告