摘要: |
As teams are a foundational component of modern organizations, selection and train-ing of employees to facilitate teamwork is of key importance. In this paper, we reviewand meta-analyze research on the construct of team orientation. We differentiatebetween organizational-, team-, and individual-level team orientation and discussmultilevel theory implications. A total of 39 articles comprising 210 effects weremeta-analyzed. Results indicate that team orientation is important, particularly foreffective teamwork and team-based outcomes. Specifically, at the overall level, wefound significant and positive relationships with communication, coordination,cooperation, trust, shared mental models, backup behaviors, cohesion, innovation,satisfaction, leadership, and team performance. Team orientation was found to benegatively correlated with conflict. Interestingly, we found a negative relationshipbetween team orientation and individual-level performance. We discuss the implica-tions of these findings and make suggestions for future work to build upon thesefindings. |