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原文传递 A Study on the Effects of Traffic Information Error on Route Choice Behavior
论文题名: A Study on the Effects of Traffic Information Error on Route Choice Behavior
关键词: 旅行者信息系统;交通拥堵;路线选择;功能模块
摘要: Advanced Traveler Information Systems help drivers reduce their travel time and delay by
  providing them with information on their available altematives.Such systems have proven to
  be efficient for alleviating traffic congestion in situations where other measures such as demandabatement have shown their limitations.This would explain the increasing attention paid to such systems recently.However, the effectiveness of ATIS depends highly on driversresponseto the information provided.Thus it is essential to understand drivers' behavior under theinfluence of traffic information.
  Earlier modeling efforts were based on the assumption that the information is perfect and drivers comply with it without any thought about accuracy and reliability.Recent research established the relationship between drivers' behavior and information accuracy but did not incorporate drivers' compliance when the information is unreliable.
  This study proposes a new approach in modeling drivers' behavior in response to trafficinformation error.The methodology used here takes into account the different steps of the
  decision making process by investigating drivers' compliance with ATIS in case of inaccuracy and the subsequent route choice if they decide to rely on the predictions.
  Stated Preference method was used to collect data on drivers' route choice under the influence of ATIS lack of accuracy.The survey design incorporates the factors affecting drivers'perception of traffic information error.
  Drivers' response was illustrated as a multidimensional decision making process with the driver's compliance with ATIS in case of inaccuracy at the first level.The second level consists of the route choice if the driver complies with the information.Modeling such a process requires the estimation of the correlation between drivers' compliance with ATIS and the subsequent route choice by the use of a nested structure.
作者: El Bachir DIOP
专业: 交通运输规划与管理
导师: 赵胜川
授予学位: 硕士
授予学位单位: 大连理工大学
学位年度: 2014
正文语种: 中文