摘要: |
The Southeast Rail Operations Study (SEROps) study is a follow-on study to the Mid-Atlantic Rail Operations Study (MAROps), which was completed in 2002, and the Northeast Rail Operations Study (NEROps), completed in July 2007. The MAROps Study examined the transportation system in the Mid-Atlantic states (New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia) and found a rail network with the potential to carry more freight and passengers, but constricted by major network choke points. The I-95 Corridor Coalition, the five states, and the railroads worked together to develop a consensus program of 71 rail infrastructure and information-technology improvements to be implemented over 20 years. The NEROps study brought the Northeast states (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island) together to lay the groundwork for a regional rail improvement program. The study described key trends, and identified those chokepoints that hinder rail transportation efficiency in the region. |