Air Emission Reduction Opportunities for California's Trucking Sector by 2020 and 2050
项目名称: Air Emission Reduction Opportunities for California's Trucking Sector by 2020 and 2050
摘要: California is the largest consumer of transportation fuels in the United States. An increasing fraction of these fuels (25% - 29%) are dedicated to powering heavy-duty trucks, which has significant effects to both air quality and the climate. Current technologies aiming at reducing emissions focus primarily on improved fuel efficiency. However, massive transformations to our current fuel technologies will be needed in order to meet California long-term air emissions goals. Alternately fueled vehicles (AFV) will have to play an important role in mitigating the environmental burdens associated with California heavy-duty freight trucking sector. The project will conduct a study that will create a complete inventory of greenhouse gas and criteria air emissions attributed to heavy-duty trucks using life-cycle assessment models. The fuels analyzed will be natural gas, biodiesel, ethanol, and oil sands as a new source of fossil fuels. Current environmental inventories focus on tailpipe emissions, excluding key components of a truck life cycle: fuel production, manufacturing, and maintenance. The project will provide life-cycle emission factors for California future AFVs. With these emission factors, the project will create emission scenarios that compare business-as-usual performance with near-term efficiency-focused strategies and accelerated AFV deployment in the context of meeting California 2020 and 2050 climate and air quality goals.
状态: Active
资金: 78716
资助组织: Department of Transportation
执行机构: University of California, Berkeley
开始时间: 20120801
预计完成日期: 20141231
主题领域: Energy;Highways