Assessing Efficacy of Toad Exclusion Fencing (TEF) to Prevent Herpetofauna, with an Emphasis on Houston Toad, from Entering Construction Zones
项目名称: Assessing Efficacy of Toad Exclusion Fencing (TEF) to Prevent Herpetofauna, with an Emphasis on Houston Toad, from Entering Construction Zones
摘要: The federally endangered Houston toad (Bufo/Anaxyrus houstonensis) occurs within the Yoakum, Bryan, and Austin TxDOT Districts. When a construction project occurs within the range of the Houston toad, TxDOT must consult with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service under Section 7(a)(1) of the Endangered Species Act, unless 3 years of surveys are conducted to determine if the construction area is absent of the Houston toad. TxDOT has developed and is using a toad exclusion fence (TEF) design for preventing the Houston toad from entering construction zones as part of those USFWS consultations. However, the efficacy of the TEF design and use has not been studied in the field. There is also potential to expand the applicability of the TEF to other herpetofauna (reptiles and amphibians). TxDOT needs to understand the efficacy of the TEF to prevent herpetofauna from entering TxDOT work areas. It is important for the TEF to exclude herpetofauna to prevent mortality of the Houston toad and other herpetofauna.
状态: Active
资金: 490357
资助组织: Texas Department of Transportation
项目负责人: Pridgen, Shelley
执行机构: Texas A&M Transportation Institute<==>Texas A&M University, College Station
开始时间: 20201029
预计完成日期: 20220831
主题领域: Environment