Exponering av partiklar för kollektivresenärer – PM10, PM2.5 och sot
项目名称: Exponering av partiklar för kollektivresenärer – PM10, PM2.5 och sot
摘要: Commuters are exposed to particle levels, which vary depending on the form of travel (rail, road, water and bicycle) and with ambient levels of air quality. Whether the journey takes place partly underground in tunnels or not the exposur still is affected by these particle levels. The study compares the exposure to particles (PM10, PM2.5 and Black Carbon (soot)) between different modes of transport during commuting (rail-based commuting, commuting by bus, commuting by boat and by bicycle).
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket
项目负责人: Olofsson, Ulf
执行机构: Kungliga tekniska högskolan
开始时间: 20200501
预计完成日期: 20201230
主题领域: Passenger Transportation;I15: Environment