Tunneldrivning med gr�vre borrh�l f�r en b�ttre kontur och minskade kv�vehalter
项目名称: Tunneldrivning med gr�vre borrh�l f�r en b�ttre kontur och minskade kv�vehalter
摘要: The most common hull dimension in tunneling is 48 mm. String emulsion is the most common explosive to charge a tunnel blast. In the contour, a thin string of emulsion explosives to cope with the damage zone in the remaining rock is used. Small breaks in the thin emulsion strings can occur during charge and this causes the hole to not completely detonate, resulting in a remaining rock with subsequent displacements are unfortunately common and especially in fragile rocks and at short intervals. The charges estimate that relocations must be made in 70% of all ointments. Transitions reduce progress and involve increased costs. Larger emulsion strings are not as sensitive to interruptions. Previous studies have shown that the proportion of undetonated explosives is 10-30% in the case of tunneling with string emulsion. It is the undetonated explosive which is the cause of high nitrogen levels in both process water and lakes from tunnelberg. In this project we want to investigate the effect of going up to the 64 mm hole dimension for the contour holes. By getting a larger decoupling (the ratio of the bore diameter and the explosive diameter), you can make the emulsion string a bit coarser without increasing the damage zone in the contour. A coarse string reduces the risk of interruptions and hence the proportion of undiluted explosives. A coarser borehole is also easier to drill straight, resulting in a better contour holding in the tunnel. The trials are intended to be done in one of F�rbifart Stockholm's tunnel contracts. The aim of the project is a sharper tunnel contour and smaller overberg, fewer undefined holes, resulting in reduced amount of nitrogen in process and lacquer water.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: �keson, Urban
执行机构: Trafikverket, Sweden
开始时间: 20171101
预计完成日期: 20181231
实际结束时间: 0