H�lsobygget, Interventionsstudie f�r god arbetsmilj� i mindre f�retag i entrepren�rskedjor i stora bygg- och anl�ggningsprojekt
项目名称: H�lsobygget, Interventionsstudie f�r god arbetsmilj� i mindre f�retag i entrepren�rskedjor i stora bygg- och anl�ggningsprojekt
摘要: Work environment that contributes to staff health and engagement is a basic prerequisite for a sustainable working life. There are more and larger potential work environment risks in construction industry than in most other occupational sectors. Large construction projects often engages subcontractors in a chain of several levels, and this occupational branch has a large number of small companies in which it is difficult to establish systematic work environment methodologies. The aim of this study is to develop and test a methodology for establishing well-functioning and continuous work environment development procedures in smaller construction companies within large construction projects. The study will be performed in up to 30 smaller construction companies. Subcontractors in a large infrastructure project, V�stl�nken in Gothenburg, Sweden, will be invited to participate. Project management for this construction project, the Swedish Transport Administration, has accepted active participation. The methodology of the study is grounded in theory on organizational change and will be performed through a series of workshops, some within the participating companies and some crossing company borders. The workshops will be performed in one third of the companies at a time. The intervention model will be continuously refined based on experience from the preceding rounds of workshops. The scientific evaluation of the study will focus not only on the effect of the intervention in terms of measurable work environment improvements, but also on the implementation process and influencing contextual factors.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Pousette, Anders
执行机构: G�teborgs universitet
开始时间: 20171001
预计完成日期: 20201231
实际结束时间: 0