Nollvisioner � fr�n ide till genomf�rande
项目名称: Nollvisioner � fr�n ide till genomf�rande
摘要: The transport sector faces major challenges and over the years, quite a good knowledge has been developed around the transport sector's various challenges and different strategies and measures that are needed to achieve transport policy goals. One research area of knowledge that is almost the white spot is on how society and the market's different actors interact with each other in order to reach the transport policy goals in general and more specifically the Vision Zero and how knowledge is translated into practical action and how these policy, innovation and implementation processes can be influenced in order to achieve transport policy goals faster and more efficiently. Against this background, a research program has been developed (TRV 2016: 116.) With a view to establishing systematic research on transport and implementation issues. The focus of this program is Vision Zero, which, both in a Swedish and international perspective, constitutes an important "case" to study and develop our knowledge about. This project is about the next step in developing the network around implementation research and initiating a number of research projects. The ambition is also to ensure long-term knowledge building in the field of implementation and transport.
资金: 0.00
资助组织: Trafikverket, Sweden
项目负责人: Belin, Matts-�ke
执行机构: Trafikverket, Sweden
开始时间: 20170101
预计完成日期: 20201231
实际结束时间: 0